Hurricane Florence calls all rappers

Calling All Rappers From Across the Globe!

Sure, asking people to part ways with their hard earned money can be difficult but I have no fear and giving to those in need after a natural disaster like Hurricane Florence should simply be an afterthought. 

Calling all rappers, spiritual gangsters like myself, humanitarians, and animal welfare advocates from across the globe.  Why you, emcees?  For starters, you’re wealthy, powerful, carry lots of clout, you make it rain on the daily, and is there anything more handsome than a man who loves cats, dogs, children, and the elderly?  I think not.

Hurricane Florence

The Carolinas need your help as Hurricane Florence touches down causing large amounts of displaced humans and animals due to wide-spread devastation and damage in affected areas.  Power-outages have topped 600,000.  FEMA estimates 200 rescue missions alone Friday morning, reporting that another 200 more are awaiting aid.  The relentless storm, resulting in more than 40 inches of rain has been deemed a public health emergency.

The recovery effort for local Carolina families and businesses will be monumental.  As rescue missions are underway, animal evacuations are a bit trickier.  While supplies and manpower are needed, the quickest and most efficient way to make the most of the life-saving efforts is to follow the list of reputable, national organizations below that are assisting in relief efforts and send aid by donating money.


American Red Cross

NOVAD (National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster)


ASPCA (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)

American Humane

To avoid scams, you can research a charity or organization before donating by checking scores from independent groups like Charity Navigator and Charity Watch.

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