Ye praised Hitler and allegedly targeted the LGBTQ+ community: A deep dive into the controversy

Ye faces lawsuit over antisemitic remarks and discrimination
Rolling Loud California 2024
Rolling Loud California 2024 / Scott Dudelson/GettyImages

In a shocking turn of events, the artist formerly known as Kanye West, now simply referred to as “Ye,” finds himself embroiled in a legal battle. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by Trevor Phillips, alleges a disturbing pattern of behavior that includes praising Adolf Hitler, disparaging Jews, and making derogatory comments about the LGBTQ+ community.

The allegations

According to court documents, Phillips was hired by Ye in November 2022, around the same time a series of antisemitic remarks made by the rapper cost him his major-label record deal and put his businesses at risk. The lawsuit claims that Ye engaged in the following behaviors:

  1. Hitler praise: Ye allegedly referred to Adolf Hitler as “great” during business meetings.
  2. Anti-Jewish sentiments: Witnesses, including former employees and collaborators, have come forward, stating that they heard Ye express conspiracy theories about Jewish people. These incidents reportedly occurred over the past five years, well before his recent public comments.
  3. Targeting the LGBTQ+ Community: The lawsuit further alleges that Ye made discriminatory remarks, asserting that “gay people are not true Christians.” Such statements have drawn widespread condemnation and raised serious questions about Ye’s views.

A troubling pattern

Ryder Ripps, a conceptual artist who worked with Ye from 2014 to 2018, recalled multiple instances when Ye spoke positively about Hitler and the Nazis. At the time, Ripps dismissed these comments as harmless. However, in light of Ye’s recent statements, Ripps now sees them as deeply troubling.

"This is dangerous and disgusting and actually violent, Ripps stated. “It’s pretty obvious that this is some kind of disgusting, hate-filled, strange Nazi obsession."

The settlement

Ye paid a settlement to a former employee who claimed to have witnessed multiple incidents of Hitler praise and Nazi references during business meetings. While Ye denied the allegations, the settlement suggests that such language was used more frequently than previously known. The former employee, who remains anonymous due to a nondisclosure agreement, received compensation for their experiences.

Impact on Ye’s reputation

Ye’s recent wave of antisemitic comments has already cost him dearly, with lost business deals and a tarnished reputation. As the lawsuit unfolds, the world watches closely, questioning whether an artist’s controversial beliefs should impact their career.

In the wake of this controversy, one thing is clear: Ye’s words have consequences, and the entertainment industry grapples with how to respond.
