The story of Nas and Tupac Shakur having a showdown in New York City's Bryant Park in the '90s has been told many times. But the thing is, there's been different versions given. For example, Snoop Dogg once said that Pac approached Nas, and that Nas' crew had the late rapper and his people surrounded with guns in their waste.
Nas gave his version in 2020 and said he actually approached Pac, not the other way around, as Snoop claimed. "I heard Snoop told the story a few times, but he had it wrong a little bit," said the Illmatic rapper when retelling the incident on Untold Stories of Hip Hop.
Now, a third person has given his version, and he contradicted Snoop. That individual is Young Noble, and he's a member of Pac's crew the Outlawz.
"What I don’t like is over the years how that exchange [has] all these different stories," said Noble. "The truth is Nas walked up, it was about seven of them, it was about 30, 40 of us. He didn’t skip a beat. He didn’t tuck his head. He walked up. He wanted to talk to Pac. The truth is it was as gangsta as it get. He walked up and they had a conversation. Pac all sweating. Nas was cool."
"The corny s--t, though, is afterwards all the amazing wild stories. Twenty f------g years later, everybody got a wild story about what happened that night," he continued. "[Nas’] brother Jungle [once said], 'I was about to shoot Tupac.' He wouldn’t have made it out the f-----g park. They was surrounded."
Noble went on to say that Snoop's version of the story is the most inaccurate, because Pac wasn't surrounded by Nas' crew like he claimed — it was the opposite. But he also explained that Snoop probably didn't realize all those people were with Tupac, because he came to the park on his own.
"He had a wild version of the story, like Nas had Pac surrounded and all that," Noble said about Snoop. "But to Snoop's defense, he didn’t come with Pac to this park. Snoop got there in his vehicle."